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2024 Candidate for Supervisor of Elections

Lake County, Florida

Tom Vail

Tom and Vara Vail


Get to know me

Knowledge, Education, Experience, Leadership

Tom Vail with US Flag

My Military Experience

C130 with Jumpers
Silver Airborne Wings

My Family’s History

My family has a history of service to our country.  Both my parents were staffers in the US Congress.  My father and uncle served in the US Navy.  My grandfather and grandmother served as postmaster.

– and more

My Father

“Mr. Vail was regarded as one of the most knowledgable and concientious individuals on Capitol Hill.”

~ Senator Bob Dole

Tom Vail (Senior) was born in 1927 in a small town in rural southern Alabama.  He grew up during the Great Depression.

When he was 17, he stepped up to serve our Nation in the US Navy during World War II.  He was on his way to battle in the South Pacific when the war ended.

After returning from military service, he entered the University of Maryland, earning a Bachelor degree in Economics.

When he died in 1973, at age 45, he was recognizaed nationally as a top tax lawyer, and was Eulogized in the US Congress by members of both houses and both parties.

WW2 Veteran – US Navy, Economist, Lawyer, Chief Counsel for the US Senate Finance Committee

Tom Vail the Dad portrait 1968

The Books


The heavy lifting in the critical computer mapping areas was done by Thomas L. C. Vail, Jr.

My Business Experience

For most of the past 20 years, I was the CEO of a small, family owned, multinational conglomerate.

Thailand Factory exterior

Our Business Divisions included:

– Orchid Export from Thailand

– Orchid Import from Thailand

– Orchid Farm in Thailand

– Tissue Culture Lab in Thailand

– Air Logistics in Thailand

– Long Haul Trucking

– Fresh Herb Import from Colombia

– Chemical import from Holland into Thailand

Construction Experience

One vocational theme has repeated across the years of my life – Construction