Meet Tom Vail
An overview
Born and Raised inside the Beltway, in Arlington, Virginia
Grew up in the 1960s and 1970s
Now living in Groveland, FL (Lake County) outside city limits – with wife and two teenaged sons

Currently serving as First Vice Chair of Lake County Republican Party (2023-2024)
Formerly Treasurer of Lake County Republican Party (2021-2022)

Bible Believing Christian with no Denomination or Church affiliation

Eagle Scout
Army National Guard veteran (MOS12C Combat Engineer/Bridge Specialist, Airborne, Special Forces, Infantry)
Educated as a CPA (Northern Virginia Community College and Strayer University)
Educated as a Lawyer (J.D. from George Washington University Law School)
Educated in Computer Information Systems (Northern Virginia Community College and Strayer University)
Business Manager (CEO of small, family owned, multi-national conglomerate from 2001-2020)
Construction Worker (laborer/helper in 1975, Carpenter, Carpenter Foreman, Supervisor for Home Construction, Supervisor for Commercial Construction, Estimator for Commercial Construction, Project Manager for Commercial Construction, Carpenter Contractor) (1975 – 2000)
Lived in Virginia, Alabama, Texas, Thailand, China
Travelled in 24 countries in Americas, Asia, Europe